Sally Gall was born in Washington, D.C., and after attending Reed College and receiving a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design she settled in Houston. New York City became her permanent home in 1987. Until recently, Gall has always worked in black and white photography with nature as her subject. She completed an extensive series of Diana camera images of European formal gardens in the mid-1980s and then switched to the Hasselblad – maintaining the square format but altering the focus and technical quality. In addition to her personal work, Gall has taught extensively in workshops in the U.S. and abroad and also does editorial assignments for numerous publications.
Gall is known as a sensual interpreter of nature who combines impressive printing skills with a rigorous but romantic vision. Her work both describes and interprets the visible world more as we might experience it than as it is. For more than twenty five years she has maintained her interest in landscape – but has emphasized different aspects through various series. In the early 1980s she worked in formal gardens throughout Europe – from Tivoli to Blenheim Palace. She has created many bodies of work based on her travels, including Brazil, Scotland, Bali, New Hampshire, Bequi and France. She often incorporates the human figure in her works – but they are not portraits or figure studies as much as extensions of nature itself. Although the sites are diverse, the work is unified by a great feeling for abstract form – and a particular feeling for water. Most recently Gall completed a body of work entitled “Into Darkness” with the subjects of caves and grottoes – the “twilight zone” between daylight and darkness. Gall has been working in color, a switch from her lifelong involvement with black and white. She has also been working closer to home in Central Park on a refined investigation of nature.